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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My Secrete Addiction

HI toy box! My name is Cali…and I’m an addict. My drug of choice….LOVE AND HIP HOP ATLANTA!  I’m not too keen on a lot of reality shows that are filled with drama, unless it has to do with some type of murder mystery, or forensic files or some type of biology or psychology base behind it. HOWEVER, Love and Hip Hope ATL has definitely been fitted into my “guilty pleasure”. I’m telling you guys, this is definitely my secrete addiction! Ooooooooh dolls and tonka trucks! Let me tell you! Now I know some of you are like “eww that show is ratchet, whole bunch of drama, and it makes the black community look bad” and blah blah blah. Granted it may be true, HOWEVER I CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF IT! I allow myself to be ratchet once a week; Monday nights in between the times of 8-9pm Pacific Time lol.  As most of you know Love and Hip Hop Atlanta season two premiered last night. So I’m gonna give a brief recap on what I felt were highlights of the show. It got REAL in the first episode. So Stevie J is still crazy and trifling while Mimi is still tolerating it. Momma Dee is still crazy as EVER, and Erica and Scrappy are planning a wedding.  Oh did I mention that Momma Dee is trying to get Scrappy back with Shay. She needs to MOVE ON! There are hella men in the ATL! Girl boo!  Joseline is still hilarious! She must have taken some speech classes because this season her English has improved about 30%. The funniest part of the first episode was Joseline’s constant disrespect to Mimi. Whenever she referred to Mimi she called her a “maid”.  Molly’s maid to be exact! The disrespect is REAL…..REAL FUNNY! This season is going to be hilarious. My favorite favorite is Joseline Hernandez. I heart her! For one SHE’S HILARIOUS! For two she doesn’t care what any one thinks of her, and I can respect that. She’s all about her money by any means. She is just hilarious!  I’ve never heard her music, besides the snippets that’s played of the show, but to honest I can careless about her music! It’s her personality that makes her intriguing to me. Needless to say I’ll be tuned in this season, so don’t be surprised if I make another post about the show! Lol have a wonderful day toy box! Comment and subscribe! Questions feel free to comment or email us at follow us on twitter we follow back! Bitesandheels

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hold On To Faith, Cling to Patience~

 Hello Loves,

     this Sylvia Plath quote pretty much explains where I am in my life; I can face this reality. Though, i'm in my 20's I by no means feel like I should have it ALL put together and figured out;(it would be nice). However, That's not my reality.Often times I battle back and forth with myself; trying to figure out my purpose in life. What am I good at? Am I on the right path? Are my choices good? Those are a few questions that run cross my mind. I'm almost sure there's a bunch of you who have the same questions. Frankly, there is no instant answer. We get comformation/reassurance with time. I've realized that "you cannot make your life move faster than it is moving." If you're at a low point in your life you have to just move through it with a smile and faith. You have to be patient with yourself, free yourself from negative thoughts, be patient with others, and be patient with LIFE. Lets face it; its a struggle to follow what looks like simple advice, and it's because of that voice in our heads that analysis everything, and makes worries and anxieties so apparent. We need to apprehend that our thoughts aren't us! their just thoughts and we're the observer. Furthermore, for anyone who is going through a slow point just let this moment pass and let the power of God flow through you.

Lost & Found

Long time no see/read toy box! I know we’ve been on hiatus! Sometimes life just happens! To be honest I was going thru this crazy phase where I lost my desire/passion for writing. I know it sounds crazy! It was almost like I became a robot, same thing day in and day out with no emotion. I felt completely numb! I guess you can say I lost myself. It took me a long time to even realize that. I’m so use to just going thru the motions and putting on my big girl panties, and acting as if nothing fazes me. Truth be told, even super man has a kryptonite. I was absolutely lost. I was at a point in my life where I felt like a failure. I got so stuck in dwelling on what I have yet to accomplish, what I don’t have, and where I thought I should be in life. Failing to realize that I’m exactly where God wants me to be. I was so foolish comparing my life to others, that I neglected counting the many blessings that I do have. Gods blessed me with the gift to gab, and here I was in this dark hole not utilizing what God gave me. We sometimes go thru things and it seems like we’ll never see the end of it, but there’s always a meaningful lesson behind all of our adversities. I’ve been working on this piece the whole weekend, just trying to allow the words to come to me, and not forcing it out of me. Needless to say we’re back like we lost something and mean business! We thank you guys for your support and patients. It truly means the world and beyond! Thank you to the ones who commented on some of our older post, your kind words were music to our ears. Our toy box is defiantly our open very public diary; we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for spending time out of your busy days to share our world. ALSOOOOOO WE NEED TO BRING BACK HOTT TOTTIE THURSDAYS!! So If you are a hott tottie or know someone who is, send us a email with your information and a pic! If selected you can be posted on our blog! Questions, comments, want us to blogg about something EMAIL US! WE LOVE YOUR FEED BACK! Send us an email at FOLLOW US ON TWITTER! WE FOLLOW BACK! BitesAndHeels also add us on facebook "Embrace Couture" Have a beautiful day toy box!