Hey Toy Box! How youuu ya liiiving whaaaat how ya liiiving! lol So ya'll remember how I told ya'll that I was God's favorite reality show? IT STILL HOLDS TRUTHS! If this random story doesn't convince you......maybe you don't comprehend well hahah so any who I had the most RANDOM and I mean RANDOM CRAP happen to ya girl Cali today. Sooo I went to old man Jenkins (aka my dad) house today to study. No one was home I figured it would be nice and peaceful so I could get some work done. FAIIIL! my A.D.D. kicked in and I couldn’t focus! Next thing I know I’m looking up the meaning to random words, making business calls, reading unnecessary crap and just a whole bunch of foolery, okay. So finally I get back into my biology homework, and then I get a rumble in the jungle. So of course I dash to the bathroom. This is where the madness starts! Do ya'll know the toilet wouldn’t work!!!! Like it would NOT FLUSH FOR OVER 10MINUTES!!! I was like hold the phone I didn’t do that much damage! NOOOO NOOO NOOOO! Chiiiiild do you know I had to get my Bob the Builder on to flush that damn toilet! I’m talking about unpluming some pluming and just stupid crap that I shouldn’t have been doing! I was soooo tempted to just leave it as is! lol I KNOW TRIFFLING! BUT I DIDNT OKAY! lol Anywho fast-forward its time for me to go to work, I grab all of my crap and head towards the door. Mind you I have my purse, books, binders, drink and keys. Now I’m a very clumsy person! So it goes without saying that of course I had to drop something! I dropped my drink and it spilled, I left the door open and ran to get something to wipe it up. So far so normal right? WRONG Why did the neighbor’s cat decide to walk in, like he own the place! I was like ummm excuse me Garfield you have to go! He looked at me turned his head meowed something about me and acted as if he didn’t hear me! I was like RUUUUDEE MUCHHH! So here I am trying to persuade the cat outside and he aint having it! I was petting him to try to make him follow me; he still paid me no mind! FINALLY I rubbed his belly (thinking he would follow me if he wanted more), do you know this bipolar cat snapped and scratched me! I was like OHHH NOOOOO! YOU OUT WARNED YOUR WELCOME! GEEET YOOOO SHHHHHHH GET YO SHHHHHHH ANNND GEEET OUT! That didn’t work either! I was seriously going crazy talking to a damn cat! ANNND the situation pissed me off even more because I was arguing with an animal that couldn’t argue back! So on top of being late to work, I figured out I was CRAZY! So after 10 minutes of me diagnosing myself and playing games with this damn cat, I finally out smarted him! I lowered him out with an old ass tortilla my dad had in the fridge! How many people have had this happen to them? My day starts off normal and then I get thrown a curve ball! I promise you I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried! Well that’s all for now toy box! OHH AND MAKE SURE YA'LL CALL AND VOTE FOR MY BABY ROB KARDASHIAN ON DANCING WITH THE STARS! lol
P.S. WE ARE BRINGING BACK HOTT TOTTIE THURSDAYS!! So If you are a hott tottie or know someone who is send us an email with your information and a pic! If selected you can be posted on our blog! Send us an email at snakebitesandhighheels@gmail.com FOLLOW US ON TWITTER! WE FOLLOW BACK! BitesAndHeels also add us on Facebook "Embrace Couture" Have a beautiful day toy box!
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