Hey Dolls & Tonk Trucks! *Channels inner Wendy* "Howw You Doo'n" haha Sooo I got something GOOD GOSSIP for my toy box today. So Chris Brown was on GMA (Good Morning America) today promoting his latest LP:Fame (which is pretty cool except for that 3x Yeah song, OMG HATTTEEED ITT!) Supposedly the host kept asking him about Rihanna. Whether or not they've been in contact, how does he feel about the restraining order being dropped so forth & so forth.. Mr.CB responded by saying "I mean, not really,"......"It's not really a big deal to me now as far as that situation. I think I'm past that in my life. I think today's the album day, so that's what I'm focused on. Everybody go get that album." Left it at that, and every one thought it was fine and dandy..WRONG! After CB left GMA staffers went to his dressing room why the hell did this fool destroy the dressing room! Threw a chair through the window & all the stuff! SERIOUSLY CHRIS! SERIOUSLY! I think he has too much peroxide in his damn head to function clearly! I get it you want to move on and not be known as the guy who beat up Rihanna, but resorting back to violence even IF its inadament objects really doesn't help your image brah brah! He needs a Gandhi retreat or something! Embrace Couture might have labeled him as our "Hott Tottie" Pick BUT ya girl Cali Couture has labeled him as our ASSHOLE PICK OF THE WEEK!
Comment & tell us what ya think! REMEMBER! if you are a hott tottie or know some one who is send us a email with your information and a pic! if selected you can be posted on our blog! send us an email at snakebitesandhighheels@gmail.com FOLLOW US ON TWITTER! WE FOLLOW BACK! BitesAndHeels also add us on facebook "Embrace Couture"
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