Hey Dolls and Tunka Trucks!!! Now we know its been a long time coming since we’ve made in personal post, HOWEVER no need to freight cause there is one coming to you LIVE & DIRECT in 5,4,3,2,1! Now I said this FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND SIX HINDERED TIMES I AM GOD’S FAVORITE REALITY SHOW! I truly believe that in my heart of hearts! The things I encounter should be in a soap opera! FOR REAL! All of our avid toy box readers should already know some of my experiences! Whether you read it on here or our twitter page (FOLLOW us @BITESANDHEELS) ya’ll should know I promise I don’t make this ishh up! CRAZY PEOPLE and RANDOM THINGS love bothering me! ALL THE TIME! Even right now, some of these keys arent working on this stupid keyboard! I need my own planet, that’s how out of control its getting! Smh ! So anywhooo I don’t know about ya’ll but ya girl Cali can appreciate some good ol fashion HONESTY! Hmmm aint nothing better than the truth! Am I right or am I right? However for some odd reason other people don’t like hearing, seeing, speaking, or even tasting the truth! So I wasted my time talking to this LAME I use to talk to waaay back when! He asked me some questions and I WAS HONEST! Toy box, tell me why this man got “hurt” by me being truthful! I wasn’t being blunt and rude, I was just being honest! I mean one of the foundations of building a good relationship is being HONEST with one another right? RIGHT! So long story short he was sooo distort and hurt (basically OVER DRAMATIC AND AN EMOTIONAL LITTLE GIRL) do yall know the fool had the audacity to hang up in my face, cause his old weak ass couldn’t handle the truth! I was like ooooh NOOOOOOO! So I deleted ever inch of that boy out of my life! His number, facebook, text messages, pictures the whole nine okay! I was like no your name isnt JESUS you cant judge or be mad! So anywho do ya’ll know this fool hit me up yesterday acting like everything was okay! Even had the nerve to say “im not tripping! Relax hun its okay” I was like this condescending little F****! Im like umm excuse me sir dumbass do you have amnesia? Cause a week ago you were ready to cry a river! I just cant deal any more! I don’t even know what my point is any more! Lol But I hope you guys were able to get a laugh out of my OVERLY dramatic encounters! ALSOOOOOO WE NEED TO BRING BACK HOTT TOTTIE THURSDAYS!! So If you are a hott tottie or know someone who is send us a email with your information and a pic! If selected you can be posted on our blog! Send us an email at snakebitesandhighheels@gmail.com FOLLOW US ON TWITTER! WE FOLLOW BACK! BitesAndHeels also add us on facebook "Embrace Couture" Have a beautiful day toy box!